A picture of a sunset with the stars and mountains visible, as well as a shooting star across the center.

About Me!

The Beloved Cat, Benny

This is my family's cat, Benny! He's a Canadian Sphynx and Siamese cat mix, and he's our beloved boy! His birthday is April 26, 2016, which means he turned 8 this year!

Some of his favorite activities include:
✦Sleeping (Cats sleep an average of 12-16 hours per day!)
✦Hiding inside of sweaters and other fluffy items
✦Finding ways to get into locked rooms and then complaining when he can't get out
✦Stealing food from your plate when you aren't looking

Learning Norwegian

Since early 2023, I've been trying to learn Norwegian as my future goal is to move to Norway. My long-term goal is to be able to speak at least at a B2 level (being able to function at a workplace) within the next 5 or so years. At the current I'm using Duolingo to learn new words, and plan to implement using På Vei, an introductory textbook to Norwegian, this year.